Goooood morning everyone! I finally have a moment to breathe, and decided I'd write a post. So in the Privates license, there are 3 stages at my school. I am on Lesson 5, going on lesson 6, and there are 7 lessons in the first stage. So I am almost through one milestone! (It's always important to note here that every time a lesson is done, it's a milestone. Every flight even!)
Lesson 5 has been all about Emergency Procedures, memorizing all of them and other information we need to know as pilots.
Today I started autorotations.
Autorotation - A state of descending flight.
Why do we practice them? They are practicing engine failures in a helicopter. I suppose they do them in a plane, too.
We began starting out with doing an intro into an auto, instead of me trying to learn everything all at once, we are going step by step. Which is great! So far the intro is basically just : Do your checks (Three in the green, engine rotor, no warning lights, carb out of yellow, gas, trim down) Then you can begin your autorotation!
You announce, "Auto in 3-2-1" and then goes as follows: Lower collective Right pedal Aft cyclic Off throttle, Catch RPM. This should be done in the time it takes to say, "Autorotation" out loud.
Need to keep your Rotor RPM in the green arc (101-104% on the tachometer) and then when the RPM goes down, you lower collective a little to keep it in the green. If it goes up, raise collective a little to keep it in the green arc.
Then you do more checks, which include: RPM, Airspeed, Trim strings, Landing zone. Then you keep an eye on that for a while, as you are correcting each thing.
Then as you come down, at approx 40 feet AGL (above ground level), you roll on throttle and accelerate out of it and climb. IN AN INTRO AUTO.
In a full autorotation practice, the POH has power failure above 500 feet (this is on page 3-2).
1. Lower collective immediately to maintain RPM and enter normal autorotation.
2. Establish a steady glide at approx. 65 kts.
3. Adjust collective to keep RPM in green arc or apply full down collective if light weight prevents attaining above 97% RPM.
4. Select landing spot and, if altitude permits, maneuver so landing will be into the wind.
5. A restart may be attempted at pilot's discretion if sufficient time is available (see air restart procedure)
6. If unable to restart, turn off unnecessary switches and shut off fuel.
7. At about 40 feet AGL, begin cyclic flare to reduce rate of descent and forward speed.
8. At about 8 feet AGL, apply forward cyclic to level ship and raise collective just before touchdown to cushion landing. Touch down in level attitude with nose straight ahead.
Along with a million other things, this is one thing you have to memorize and know by heart. Doesn't seem hard, you say? Well, you aren't in school to be a pilot, eh? :)
I decided that I wanted to get a sticker for my car that says something along the lines of "i'm a student pilot, I don't speed." lol because as a pilot knows, a speeding ticket on your record is something that your bosses will look at.. (what else will you do to break the rules while you are flying a helicopter for their company?).
A few weeks ago, I was invited to go with the base manager of my school to fly over our river and drop off ping pong balls to the public in a public duck race event. I was super excited because it was my first "commercial" type of experience!
Alright, I'm going to go relax on one of my first days to relax in months!
This is one of the helis that is at our school! I just googled this photo so I shouldn't get in trouble, and the school will remain unnamed :) I have actually flown in this exact heli before :) So proud!
This video is what a full down autorotation looks like. every auto (except hovering autos) looks like this except for the touchdown. So, yes, I will be learning that. :D YAY! Doesn't look too hard. What I think might be a little difficult will be the hovering autorotations.
The hovering autos video is right below:
While we're at it, lets do a dynamic rollover video DONT TRY THIS AT HOME lol:
Dynamic rollover is a powered roll that happens at a 15 degree tilt. The heli goes over that 15 degree tilt or pivot point, and you cannot recover.
Alright, that's all I've got for y'all today.